She also has a tramp stamp just above her crotch. Parental Bonus - Her fighting style? Literally playing with big balls.Taigong Wang even states that she can't be trusted because she's not being ENTIRELY truthful, but at no point does he claim she's lying, just that she's keeping her own motives largely to herself. That makes her skills as military strategist all the more impressive. This may have something to do with how foxes in both Chinese and Japanese myths are unable to lie. Metaphorically True - Da Ji never outright lies - she omits important parts of the truth a lot, and can be misleading, but she never says anything that's blatantly false.

Improbable Weapon User - Her two levitating marbles.Of course, she's just using this opportunity to try and revive the real Orochi. Enemy Mine - In the third game, she works with the Resistance to take down the Hydra, which she doesn't acknowledge as the true Orochi.

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